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What tests do I need to take? Read about which tests are required for licensure in Illinois.
Information about each test. Get specific information about a test, including when and where you can take the test, and access preparation materials by selecting the test from the following tables.

The edTPA requirement for licensure has been eliminated through Aug 31, 2025. However, institutions of higher education may continue to require edTPA .
Content Area Tests
Content-Area Tests (Administrator)
Test Code | Test |
224 | Chief School Business Official |
234 | Director of Special Education |
195/196 | Principal as Instructional Leader |
225 | Superintendent |
World Language Content-Area Tests
These tests are for individuals seeking world language teaching endorsements.
Language Proficiency Tests for an Educator License with Stipulations Endorsed as Transitional Bilingual
These tests are for individuals seeking transitional bilingual endorsements, bilingual endorsements, or bilingual approvals.
Learning Behavior Specialist II (LBS II) Tests
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