Test Design and 
Test Framework

Field 236: School Nurse

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The test design below describes general test information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 100 multiple-choice questions
Time* 3 hours, 15 minutes
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test Subarea Number of Test Objectives Number of Scorable Items Number of Non-Scorable Items subarea weight as percent of total test score
Subarea 1—Human Development, Health, Learning, and Diversity 4 22 6 28 percent
Subarea 2—The Specialty Practice of School Nursing 5 29 7 36 percent
Subarea 3—Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Coordinated Care 5 29 7 36 percent
Totals 14 80 20 100 percent

Subarea 1—Human Development, Health, Learning, and Diversity

Objective 0001—Understand human growth and development, the learning process, and factors that affect development and learning of different school-age populations.

For example:

Objective 0002—Understand the roles and responsibilities of the school nurse as a health expert and resource person in the school community.

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Objective 0003—Understand diversity among students, families, and communities; the influence of diversity; and strategies for communicating effectively in a diverse school community.

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Objective 0004—Understand the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities and factors that affect their development and learning.

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Subarea 2—The Specialty Practice of School Nursing

Objective 0005—Understand the provision and management of school nursing and student health services.

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Objective 0006—Understand the care and management of illnesses and chronic health conditions and the development of Individualized Healthcare Plans (IHPs).

For example:

Objective 0007—Understand the roles and responsibilities of the school nurse in the multidisciplinary evaluation of students and the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans.

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Objective 0008—Understand laws, policies, ethical guidelines, and professional standards that influence the practice of school nursing and the provision of health services.

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Objective 0009—Understand the importance of acquiring and maintaining current credentials and evidence-based knowledge and competency in school nursing practice.

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Subarea 3—Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Coordinated Care

Objective 0010—Understand health promotion and disease prevention concepts underlying school health and nursing services.

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Objective 0011—Understand curriculum development and instruction in the school health program.

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Objective 0012—Understand the processes of assessment and evaluation in the development of school health programs.

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Objective 0013—Understand effective approaches to collaboration and delegation in the school health program.

For example:

Objective 0014—Understand the role of the school nurse in preparedness response and coordination during emergencies, crises, and disasters.

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