Test Design and
Test Framework 

Field 296: Learning Behavior Specialist 2: Technology Specialist

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The test design below describes general test information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 6 constructed-response assignments
Time* 3 hours, 45 minutes
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

test subarea number of test objectives number of c r eyes subarea weight as percent of total test score
subarea 1—Understanding Students with Disabilities, Principles of Assistive Technology, Assessment, and Developing Individualized Education Programs 5 2 34 percent
subarea 2—Managing the Learning Environment and Promoting Learning in Students with Disabilities 3 2 33 percent
subarea 3—Collaboration, Communication, and Ethics 2 2 33 percent
totals 10 6 100 percent

Subarea 1—Understanding Students with Disabilities, Principles of Assistive Technology, Assessment, and Developing Individualized Education Programs

Objective 0001—Understand the educational implications of disabilities on the cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social-emotional growth and development of students.

For example:

Objective 0002—Understand the purposes, uses, and features of assistive and instructional technologies.

For example:

Objective 0003—Understand the assistive and instructional technology assessment process in supporting the growth, development, and educational progress of students with disabilities.

For example:

Objective 0004—Understand strategies for collecting, interpreting, reporting, and communicating the results of assistive and instructional technology assessments to address the individual needs of students.

For example:

Objective 0005—Understand how to integrate assistive technology (A T) supports and services in developing and implementing Individualized Education Programs (I E Pees) to meet the needs of students.

For example:

Subarea 2—Managing the Learning Environment and Promoting Learning in Students with Disabilities

Objective 0006—Understand methods and practices for planning and managing the learning environment to support students' development and learning.

For example:

Objective 0007—Understand how assistive and instructional technology can support instructional planning and design to meet the individualized academic and transition goals of students with disabilities.

For example:

Objective 0008—Understand practices and methods for promoting effective implementation of assistive and instructional technology supports and services across environments.

For example:

Subarea 3—Collaboration, Communication, and Ethics

Objective 0009—Understand strategies for communicating and collaborating with students, general education teachers, other service providers, parents/guardians, and other professionals to promote desired learning outcomes.

For example:

Objective 0010—Understand the professional, ethical, and legal roles and responsibilities of assistive technology specialists involved in the education of students with disabilities.

For example: