Test Design and
Test Framework 

Field 293: Learning Behavior Specialist 2: Curriculum Adaptation Specialist

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The test design below describes general test information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 6 constructed-response assignments
Time* 3 hours, 45 minutes
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

test subarea number of test objectives number of c r eyes subarea weight as percent of total test score
subarea 1—Understanding Students with Disabilities, Assessing Students, and Developing Individualized Education Programs 5 2 34 percent
subarea 2—Managing the Learning Environment and Promoting Learning in Students with Disabilities 3 2 33 percent
subarea 3—Collaboration, Communication, and Ethics 2 2 33 percent
totals 10 6 100 percent

Subarea 1—Understanding Students with Disabilities, Assessing Students, and Developing Individualized Education Programs

Objective 0001—Understand the educational implications of disabilities on the cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social-emotional growth and development of students.

For example:

Objective 0002—Understand assessment principles and various types of formal and informal assessments.

For example:

Objective 0003—Understand uses, procedures, and considerations in selecting and administering appropriate formal and informal educational assessments.

For example:

Objective 0004—Understand strategies for interpreting, reporting, and communicating the results of assessments to address students' individual strengths and needs.

For example:

Objective 0005—Understand procedures for developing, implementing, and amending Individualized Education Programs (I E Pees) to meet the needs of students.

For example:

Subarea 2—Managing the Learning Environment and Promoting Learning in Students with Disabilities

Objective 0006—Understand curricula and evidence-based instructional strategies and interventions to support students' development and learning.

For example:

Objective 0007—Understand methods and practices for planning and managing the learning environment to support students' development and learning.

For example:

Objective 0008—Understand knowledge of evidence-based instructional strategies, methods, and activities for developing students' learning in core academic areas.

For example:

Subarea 3—Collaboration, Communication, and Ethics

Objective 0009—Understand strategies for communicating and collaborating with students, general education teachers, related service providers, parents/guardians, and other professionals to promote desired learning outcomes.

For example:

Objective 0010—Understand the professional, ethical, and legal roles and responsibilities involved in the education of students with disabilities.

For example: