Test Design and 
Test Framework

Field 221: Reading Specialist

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The test design below describes general test information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 100 multiple-choice questions
Time* 3 hours, 15 minutes
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test Subarea Number of Test Objectives Number of Scorable Items Number of Non-Scorable Items subarea weight as percent of total test score
Subarea 1—Theoretical and Research Foundations 4 18 5 23 percent
Subarea 2—Literate Environment 2 10 2 12 percent
Subarea 3—Reading Assessment 3 14 4 18 percent
Subarea 4—Reading Instruction 6 28 7 35 percent
Subarea 5—Professional Responsibilities, Leadership, and Learning 2 10 2 12 percent
Totals 17 80 20 100 percent

Subarea 1—Theoretical and Research Foundations

Objective 0001—Understand foundations of reading instruction.

For example:

Objective 0002—Understand how to interpret and use reading research.

For example:

Objective 0003—Understand oral language foundations of literacy development.

For example:

Objective 0004—Understand the influence of individual differences and diversity on language and literacy development and instruction.

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Subarea 2—Literate Environment

Objective 0005—Understand features of educational environments that promote literacy development.

For example:

Objective 0006—Understand strategies for evaluating, securing, and managing resources to support effective reading instruction.

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Subarea 3—Reading Assessment

Objective 0007—Understand foundations of reading assessment.

For example:

Objective 0008—Understand assessment of essential components of reading development.

For example:

Objective 0009—Understand assessment for the purpose of diagnosing reading difficulties and principles of working with students who have reading difficulties.

For example:

Subarea 4—Reading Instruction

Objective 0010—Understand emergent literacy, including development of phonemic awareness.

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Objective 0011—Understand development of phonics and other word identification skills and spelling.

For example:

Objective 0012—Understand development of reading fluency.

For example:

Objective 0013—Understand development of academic language, including vocabulary and complex language structures.

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Objective 0014—Understand development of reading comprehension.

For example:

Objective 0015—Understand literary and informational texts and how to promote students' comprehension and analysis of different types of texts for various purposes.

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Subarea 5—Professional Responsibilities, Leadership, and Learning

Objective 0016—Understand professional roles and responsibilities, including curriculum design and implementation in the field of reading.

For example:

Objective 0017—Understand professional development, including staff development in the field of reading.

For example: