Study Guide
Field 258: World Language: Latin
Presentational Speaking
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
Directions for Presentational Speaking Assignment
For this section of the test, you will record an oral reading of a Latin passage presented on-screen.
The assignment will be presented on the next screen, and the screen timer in the upper right corner of the screen will count down the allotted preparation time. You may take up to 5 minutes to practice reading the passage. Please note that you are not required to take the entire 5 minutes; however, if you choose to advance to the next screen to start your final response before the preparation time is over, you will not be able to go back.
When the preparation time is complete, the screen will automatically advance, and you will record your response to the assignment. Do NOT begin speaking until the screen advances and you see the recorder box presented on-screen. After 3 seconds, a tone will indicate when to begin speaking and the recorder box will show "Recording." The assignment will remain on the screen during recording. You will have three minutes to record your response. A sample of the recorder box appears below.
You can monitor your recording time by referring to the timer, which will count up from 00:01 to 03:00. Bars will appear with the sound of your voice while recording is in progress.
At the conclusion of your response time, the recorder box will change to “Complete” indicating the conclusion of the assignment.
Once the recorder box shows “Complete,” you may select the Next button button to continue with the remainder of the test. Do not click Next until you have finished recording your response. If you advance to the next screen with recording time remaining, you will not be able to go back.
Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- EXPRESSIVENESS: the extent to which the response demonstrates comprehension of the meaning and mood of the Latin passage through the use of appropriate emphasis and expression
- PHRASING: the extent to which the response groups words that are syntactically and semantically linked, and varies the rhythm of speech in accordance with the sense and/or meter of the Latin passage
- FLUENCY: the extent to which the response exhibits ease of expression through a consistent and coherent flow of speech
- PRONUNCIATION: the extent to which the response uses clear and appropriate pronunciation, syllabic stress, elisions, and intonation
Your response will be evaluated on the criteria above, not on any personal opinions expressed in the response.
You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes; however, you will be scored only on the response that is recorded in the exam.
Your response must be recorded in Latin. You may use either classical or ecclesiastical pronunciation, but whichever you choose, you should use it consistently. You may not use any reference materials during the test.
You will have only ONE opportunity to record your oral reading. Once the recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.
Select the Next button to begin the assignment.
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
Objective 0008
Apply knowledge of target-language structures and speaking conventions to
deliver an effective, coherent, and clear spoken response to a prompt.
[The examinee will see on screen and hear the following directions:]
You will have 5 minutes to practice reading the passage provided. Then, the screen will automatically advance and recording will begin. When you see the Recorded Answer box appear on-screen, begin reading the passage aloud at normal speed with appropriate emphasis and expression, and with attention to pronunciation, syllabic stress, elisions (as marked by parentheses), and meter. You may use either classical or ecclesiastical pronunciation, but whichever you choose, you should use it consistently. You may take up to 3 minutes to complete your reading. You will be told when the preparation time is over and the recording is about to begin. Begin practicing your reading of the passage now.
[The examinee will see the passage on the left side of the screen.]
[In this passage from Vergil's Aeneid written in dactylic hexameter, Aeneas tells where he has come from, where is he going, and the troubles he has had.]
"Nōs Trōi(ā) antīquā, sī vestrās forte per aurēs
Trōiae nōmen iit, dīversa per aequora vectōs
forte suā Libycīs tempestās appulit ōrīs.
Sum pius Aenēās, raptōs qu(ī) ex hoste Penātēs
classe vehō mēcum, fāmā super aethera nōtus.
Ītaliam quaerō patri(am) et genus ab Iove summō.
Bis dēnīs Phrygium cōnscendī nāvibus aequor,
mātre deā mōnstrante viam, data fāta secūtus;
vix septem, convuls(ae) undīs Eurōque, supersunt.
Ipse ignōtus, egēns, Libyae dēserta peragrō,
Eurōp(ā) atqu(e) Āsiā1 pulsus."
[After 5 minutes of silence, the examinee will hear:
Your preparation time is now over. At the conclusion of these directions, the screen will automatically advance and recording will begin. Begin your oral reading when you see the recorder box presented on the next screen. Prepare to begin reading aloud now.]
[If examinee clicks "Next" before the preparation time is over, the following warning appears in a pop-up: "You have chosen to begin speaking before your 5 minutes of preparation time has ended. If you click "Yes" below, the screen will advance and recording will automatically begin. Are you sure you want to begin speaking now?"]
DO NOT click the Next button unless you have finished recording your response.[After 3 minutes of recording, the recorder box will change to “Complete” and the examinee is automatically advanced to the next screen.]
Description of a Strong Response to the Presentational Speaking Assignment
A strong response to this assignment would present an effective oral reading of the Latin passage that demonstrates comprehension of the meaning and mood of the passage through the use of appropriate emphasis and expression.
A strong response would be delivered with ease of expression with a consistent and coherent flow of speech, and with careful attention to Latin pronunciation conventions, syllabic stress, elisions, intonation, and, where applicable, meter (poetry). Pronunciation used would be either consistently classical or consistently ecclesiastical.
A strong response would effectively express the meaning of the Latin passage, grouping words that are syntactically and semantically linked and varying the rhythm of speech in accordance with the sense and/or meter (poetry) of the Latin. Minor errors and occasional nonproductive pauses, if present, would not interfere with the overall comprehensibility.
Performance Characteristics for Presentational Speaking Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the Presentational Speaking assignment.
Expressiveness | the extent to which the response demonstrates comprehension of the meaning and mood of the Latin passage through the use of appropriate emphasis and expression |
Phrasing | the extent to which the response groups words that are syntactically and semantically linked, and varies the rhythm of speech in accordance with the sense and/or meter of the Latin passage |
Fluency | the extent to which the response exhibits ease of expression through a consistent and coherent flow of speech |
Pronunciation | the extent to which the response uses clear and appropriate pronunciation, syllabic stress, elisions, and intonation |
Score Scale for Presentational Speaking Assignment
A score will be assigned to each response to the Presentational Speaking assignment according to the following score scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response demonstrates effective oral reading skills in Latin.
3 |
The "3" response demonstrates generally effective oral reading skills in Latin.
2 |
The "2" response demonstrates partially effective oral reading skills in Latin.
1 |
The "1" response demonstrates ineffective oral reading skills in Latin.
U | The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, inaudible/ incomprehensible, not spoken in the required language, or not of sufficient length to score. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |